完美主義的象徵Champagne Salon
Salon 於1911由 Eugene – Aime Salon 締造的神話香檳,來自單一葡萄園的單一葡萄品種,世界上第一款以百分百的Chardonnay 釀製的香檳,亦是極少數贏得世界多數人仕,讚賞為”幾近於神話的香檳”。
”維持不變的風格與絕不輕言讓步”是她謹慎維持的釀酒理念,秉持著對品質吹毛求疵的態度,堅持最佳年份,選取品質最佳的葡萄,也因此自1911 至今這100年間她僅生產37個絕佳年份。
"Essential Salon: A pure evocation of chardonnay in limestone, a powerful and profound Champagne.
“Fuck yes,” said one visiting sommelier from Los Angeles.As for me, I love this wine. Its freshness is astonishing, tasting like fruit that was just picked, yet it somehow has the wisdom and harmony that comes with time. There’s a modulation to the flavors as they rise from limestone, diveinto fresh cream and rise again in savory richness. Though other ’99s may not reach this level, the wine makes a stunning gument for its terroir. If you want to identify great Salon in the future, remember the scent of this glass."
97 PointsWine & Spirits
★樂活VIP 特惠價限量供應
1999 Salon Cuvee 'S' Le Mesnil Blanc de Blanc
分數:94 (WS) 94+(RP)
飲 酒 過 量 有 礙 健 康