無 冠 王 Ch. Gloria
波爾多葡萄酒貿易傳奇人物 Henri Martin 曾經任職 (CIVB 波爾多葡萄酒協會主席,波爾多葡萄酒學校總裁及Ch. Latour 首席釀酒師),被世人稱為Medoc之魂的Henri Martin 成就非凡.,創立Domaines Henri Martin 酒業,目前旗下酒款為:Chateau Saint-Pierre、Chateau Gloria、Chateau Paymartin、Chateau Bel Air…等。1991年Henri Martin過世後由女兒Françoise及女婿Jean-Louis Triaud接手管理酒莊。Chateau Gloria雖未列級數,其葡萄園及品質技術一直都是大家備受推崇的酒廠,與學習的目標.
Chateau Gloria(St Julien)葡萄園佔地50公顷,平均40年的葡萄树的年龄,手工栽採葡萄透過傳統方式發酵釀造,使用40%新法國橡木桶中熟成18個月後裝瓶。
Chateau Gloria (St Julien) 1996:
Good colour, showing a little maturity but still with plenty of depth. Lots of bottle stink at first; this needed a good hour or so in the decanter to blow off, leaving a meaty, organic, wet stone, slightly gamey profile. Good slightly plump palate,moderately low acidity. Still showing some extract and texture, and quite a little spread of tannin for structure too. Lean black fruits, a little chalky, but all round good. Short, grippy finish. This is good, but still on the way up; needs 3-4 years yet in my cellar. 17+/20 (July 2005)
1996 VIP 限量供應 60瓶
1999 VIP 限量供應 36瓶
飲 酒 過 量 有 礙 健 康