家族傳統 優雅俐落
波爾多右岸之波美侯地區。這個產區以具備優異風土條件,小規模生產高級葡萄酒聞名。Château Bourgneuf 座落能接受長時間陽光照耀的波美侯高地核心-一塊軸心由東南向西北延伸的斜坡之上,直接與波美侯名莊Château Trotanoy 接壤,面積約莫9 公頃。園內土壤由黏土、沙質粘土與礫石構成,除擁有優異保溫性、排水性外,也完整提供釀酒葡萄生長所需的各種養分。
自公元1840 年起,Château Bourgneuf 便由Vayron 家族接手管理,如今已經繼承至第八代,這個家族這近兩百年來,對這塊美好而獨特的土地,以傑出製酒技術與追求革新進步的態度,灌注他們血脈裡不斷流動的那股-對葡萄酒產業的熱愛。
園內葡萄栽種比例約為Merlot 90%、Cabernet Franc 10%。自2007 年起,莊園為了更精確的理解葡萄與土壤之間的關係,引進農業科學分析技術,以利耕作、收穫、製酒。並且,因應每年份的氣候狀態不一,莊園採人工手段逐塊採收葡萄,盡可能的在最適切的時候,收穫高品質葡萄原料。製酒時,再以同等一絲不苟的態度,逐顆揀選,並盡可能的以輕柔緩慢的力道進行破皮,才能萃取出優雅卻富含勁道的單寧。接著在控溫混凝土槽中,以手動幫浦進行淋汁發酵(Pump-Over)作業,比起踩皮發酵(Punch-Over)效率較低,但能產生出Vayron 家族認定的理想酒款:以風味凝實的Merlot 葡萄為主體,富含新鮮果香的葡萄酒。另外,窖藏陳釀時,採用法國橡木桶,新舊桶比例約為35:65,舊桶均為一次或二次桶,裝瓶前需經12 至14 個月的風味熟成。
The climate was ideal throughout the year producing healthy and perfectly ripe grapes. A powerful and ample wine, with a dark hue, intense and profound. Precise nose, fine, subtle and racy. The mouth is juicy, savoury with dense tannins, blackberries, fleshy, with an exceptional length. A majestic finish on truffles. A grand wine for laying down.
Robert Parker @ The Wine Advocate
Dense ruby/purple, with an attractive, broad, plump nose of plums, raisins, prunes, black cherries, and some dusty earth notes, well-made, medium to full-bodied, with considerable corpulence, flesh, and structure, this is a denser, slightly more tannic wine than the 2001, but big, burly, and showing more finesse than it did prior to bottling.
Anticipated maturity: 2007-2018.
La Revue du Vin de France -18.5/20
Très grande complexité au nez, notes de truffes.
Classique de l’appellation.
VIP 年終特惠,限量 年終特惠,
限量 60 瓶 !