意大利超級巨星 ~
Italy’s Best Sparking Wine
愛好香檳的人絕對不能不知道的意大利Franciacora,除了知名法國香檳外,做的最好的汽泡酒。Fratelli Berlucchi 更是其中之最,貝路奇是由五個感情深厚的兄弟姊妹一同組成的酒莊,這裡有著他們的童年記憶,第二次世界大戰開打,德軍進入義大利的領土,貝路奇家族不得已離開城市中的宅邸,來到鄉下躲避戰爭,儘管外頭烽火漫漫,母親在別墅裡用美妙的鋼琴聲撫慰這五個孩子,使他們在亂世中也能感受到家的溫暖。
Founded in 1955 by some of Italian wine’s most inventive minds, Guido Berlucchi and his partners proudly produced the first bottle of metodo classico sparkling in Franciacorta. The winery has since grown into a powerhouse under the leadership of a new generation, like Cristina Ziliani (above), with some 1,500 acres of vine and an annual production of 5 million bottles. The Cuvée 61 Brut delivers excellent value and quality. The property includes the landmark 15th-Century Palazzo Lana Berlucchi.
1967年成立的”法蘭齊柯達”法定產區(Franciacorta DOCG) 是以傳統香檳製作方法釀製的干型氣泡葡萄酒,該酒氣泡豐富,口感細膩,所用葡萄品種與香檳類似,堪稱“義大利的香檳酒”。與香檳一樣,其名字不僅代表酒,而且也代表產區與釀造方法。法蘭齊柯達釀造方式有嚴格的限制,無年份需熟成25個月以上,年份氣泡酒甚至要37個月。是義大利品質最高,甚至法國香檳以外最佳的氣泡酒產區。
★樂活VIP 限量供應中
每款皆120瓶/ 6瓶1箱,由於酒廠產量少,
Fratelli Berlucchi Franciacorta Brut 2009
葡萄品種:White Pinot 50%, Chardonnay 35%, Black Pinot 15%
產地:Franciacorta Italy
Wine Information :
Colour: with golden hunes, abundant froth, extremely small, and long lasting (perlage).
Bouquet: balsamic, citrus, with light scent of roasting.
Taste: good balance, soft, savory and excellent texture
Alcohol content: 13.00% Sugars: 8g/l Size: 0.75L
Fratelli Berlucchi Franciacorta Brut Rosé Millesimato 2009
葡萄品種:Chardonnay 50%, Black Pinot produced as rose 30%, Blace Pinot produced as white 20%
產地:Franciacorta Italy
Wine Information :
Colour: more or less intense rose, depending on the year, well-defined froth and head, minute and persistent gassiness (perlage).
Bouquet: characteristic with delicate scent of yeast, at times fruity.
Taste: sapid, fresh, fine and harmonic, excellent nose-palate correspondence, vigorous and shrewd consistency.
Alcohol content: approximately 12.50 Vol. % Sugars: 6 g/l
Number of bottles produced per year: 25,000BTL
Fratelli Berlucchi Franciacorta Brut Satén Millesimato 2009
葡萄品種:100 % Chardonnay (blanc de blancs).
產地:Franciacorta Italy
Wine Information :
Colour: greenish yellow, with creamy froth and extremely fine and very thin gassiness.
Bouquet: refined, rich in spicy notes.
Taste: of soft and caressing grace; nothing but harmonic agreeableness. Thus benefiting from the 30 months of maturing.
Alcohol content: approximately 12.50 Vol. % Sugars: 6.5 g/l
Number of bottles with date: 25,000BTL
Fratelli Berlucchi Casa delle Colonne Brut Franciacorta Riserva 2005
葡萄品種:Chardonnay 80%, Pinot Nero 20%
產地:Franciacorta Italy
Wine Information :
Colour: great charge of yellow.
Bouquet: rich, brisk and fresh with some fields essence.
Taste: mature, balanced and spicy aftertaste, toasted almond on the background.
Perlage: extremely small, delicate and persistent.
Alcohol content: 13% Vol. Reducing Suagrs: 7.5 g/l
Number of bottles: 5,000BTL