Top 2014 Bordeaux Reds
CHÂTEAU CHEVAL-BLANC St.-Emilion 2014 Score: 96–99
Reserved aromatically for now, but this has a lot at its clutch, with remarkably silky plum, currant and raspberry fruit inlaid seamlessly with alder, rooibos tea and bergamot notes. There's a fine minerality that stretches out the finish, with remarkable cut, delineation and finesse. This is gorgeous. Tasted non-blind.—J.M. 絲滑般的梅子、紅醋栗、覆盆莓果味完美地連接著榿木,南非國寶茶和佛手柑味道。餘韻有著宜人的礦物質味。這是支極好的酒。
CHÂTEAU LATOUR Pauillac 2014 Score: 96–99
Dense, but remarkably silky in feel, with gorgeous raspberry and blackberry fruit embedded with anise, violet and iron notes. A terrific graphite spine drives the finish. Shows great energy throughout. This is all length and cut, with just a hint of classic Bordeaux austerity. The one first-growth in 2014 that feels like it could be from a cooler vintage. Tasted non-blind.—J.M. 口感緊實濃厚,富含覆盆莓及黑莓並帶有大茴香、紫羅蘭和鐵味但如絲綢般柔和,帶有完美的石墨餘味。此酒款充滿活力,餘味悠長,只帶著一點點經典嚴謹波爾多風味。2014年的一級酒就像生長於更冷的年份。
CHÂTEAU LE PIN Pomerol 2014 Score: 96–99
Delivers its telltale aroma of succulent raspberry fruit, with beguiling spice and an echo of boysenberry and blackberry. The structure is solid, but remains remarkably silky and thoroughly ensconced in the fruit. A fine mineral accent emerges on the finish, revealing echoes of violet and lavender, but this is basically all fruit, the whole fruit and nothing but the fruit, and there's nothing wrong with that. Tasted non-blind.—J.M. 濃郁的莓果味連帶著誘人的香料及黑莓味。此酒款堅固但保有著如絲綢般口感和濃厚的水果味。尾韻有些許的礦物口感和紫羅蘭及薰衣草味,但基本上除了水果香味並無其它味道,但這也沒有什麼不好。
CHÂTEAU HAUT-BRION Pessac-Léognan 2014 Score: 95–98
Features a youthfully muscular edge, but remains elegant despite the heft, with a core of plum, red currant and raspberry fruit, guided by supple tannins and backed by subtle tobacco and spice hints. A light bay thread chimes in on the finish, while a juniper detail adds a pleasant underpinning. Displays admirable concentration, but this will need time to soak up its élevage, as it is always one of the more backward wines of the spring tastings. Tasted non-blind.—J.M. 此酒款外表年輕但仍保有著優雅,柔順的丹寧及微妙的煙草和香料味帶著梅果和紅醋栗及覆盆莓果味並帶點檜木味支撐著。令人欣賞但此款酒還需要時間去陳年細細品味。
CHÂTEAU MOUTON-ROTHSCHILD Pauillac 2014 Score: 95–98
This captures the pure, distilled essence of Cabernet Sauvignon, with a racy core of red and black currant fruit s on purity in this wine is what's most impressive over the last several vintages. Tasted non-blind.—J.M. 此款酒將因單純的Cabernet Sauvignon,帶著濃厚的紅黑醋栗果核而Mouton在後幾年讓人印象深刻獲得好評。
PÉTRUS Pomerol 2014 Score: 95–98
Offers a gorgeous caressing feel at first, with velvety raspberry and plum fruit, then picks up a light briar echo and a fine pebbly feel through the finish, adding range and length. The latent grip is supple and fully embedded, while an alluring incense note weaves throughout. A thoroughly beguiling wine. Tasted non-blind.—J.M. 起先帶著鵝絨般滑順的覆盆莓及梅李味就像是溫柔的擁抱,接著輕微的荊棘和鵝卵石增添了尾韻。潛在的吸引力及迷人的香氣柔順且完全的連接著。這是一款充滿香氣的酒。
CHÂTEAU TROTANOY Pomerol 2014 Score: 95–98
Reserved today, with red currant, raspberry and blackberry fruit that is pure and racy, buttressed by charcoal and bramble notes. The finish picks up steam, with ganache, tobacco and smoldering iron accents and a great sanguine echo. Tasted non-blind.—J.M. 帶著單純且明顯的紅醋栗、覆盆莓及黑莓,由煙燻及刺藤味貫穿。尾韻帶有巧克力和鮮奶油組合而成的柔滑的奶油(ganache)和煙草及煙燻口感。
CHÂTEAU BÉLAIR-MONANGE St.-Emilion 2014 Score: 94–97
A beauty in the making, with gorgeously pure red currant and raspberry fruit, laced with bergamot and incense accents. A very fine chalky thread knits everything beautifully. Shows pristine balance and gorgeous minerality. Tasted non-blind.—J.M. 同時帶著簡單的紅醋票及覆盆莓果味和佛手柑香氣。良好的白堊土壤編織了所有的美好,展出清新和礦物味的美好平衡。
CHÂTEAU LA FLEUR-PÉTRUS Pomerol 2014 Score: 94–97
Packed, with raspberry, blackberry and boysenberry confiture notes, this features dense but perfectly rounded grip and a long, authoritative finish that ripples with charcoal and smoldering tobacco leaf details. Serious juice. Tasted non-blind.—J.M. 包覆著覆盆莓、黑莓及莓果蜜餞,濃密但完美的葡萄味,尾韻悠長並帶著煙燻煙草葉味。富含果香味。
CHÂTEAU LAFITE ROTHSCHILD Pauillac 2014 Score: 94–97
Very backward, with loads of cedar, espresso and juniper out front, while the core of currant and blackberry fruit stays in reserve. Shows ample grip on the finish, but this is fine-grained and exhibits superb cut. Tasted non-blind.—J.M. 很緩慢的先是帶著西洋杉、expresso和檜木,其中夾帶著紅醋栗及黑莓果核。最後展現出完美的結束。
CHÂTEAU LÉOVILLE LAS CASES St.-Julien 2014 Score: 94–97
A pure, coiled and focused wine, with a superdense core of red and black currant fruit, carried by a mouthwatering iron spine. The long finish features gorgeous notes of dried anise and smoldering charcoal, while the fruit stays pure and racy. The grip takes over in the end, big time. Another brick house in the making.—J.M. 單純而濃郁且緊實的紅醋栗及黑醋栗果核口感帶著誘人的鐵味。持續著果香並接著大茴香及煙燻味,緊緻的單寧後勁。這將是另一支另人垂涎三尺的酒款。
CHÂTEAU MARGAUX Margaux 2014 Score: 94–97
A light savory cassis bush hint marks the Petit Verdot in this blend, but this is quickly consumed by the Cabernet Sauvignon, with a core of well-endowed cassis and plum fruit harnessed by very long, supple tannins. Gorgeous alder, lilac and iron notes begin to emerge on the finish, though this is still very primal. Sublime in feel, this offers a caressing power. A beauty in the making. Tasted non-blind.—J.M. 帶著美味的黑醋栗讓人想到Petit Verdot,但很快地就被帶著完美的黑醋栗及李子口感和柔軟單寧味的Cabernet Sauvignon取代。尾韻帶著即便仍原始但可口的紫丁香和鐵味。像是被溫柔地擁抱著,是個出眾的作品。
LA MONDOTTE St.-Emilion 2014 Score: 94–97
A sleek, wiry wine, with lovely definition and a coiled feel, featuring a core of raspberry, blackberry and boysenberry fruit waiting to unwind. A serious chalky spine bolts everything down for now. This needs time, but shows great length and precision.—J.M. 多種黑莓味柔滑而紫實的口感纏繞尾韻悠長。此款酒需要些時間展現。
CHÂTEAU MONTROSE St.-Estèphe 2014 Score: 94–97
As sleek and tightly coiled as they come, with wonderful purity and cut to the red and black currant and red and black cherry fruit. The long iron spine is thoroughly embedded and a gorgeous echo of charcoal lingers at the very end of the lightly pebbly finish. Everything finally seems to be coming together here.—J.M. 入口柔順而緊實地纏繞著紅黑醋栗和紅黑櫻桃果香。尾韻悠長而帶著華麗的煙燻味及卵石味。在最後皆完美地結合在一起。
CHÂTEAU PAVIE St.-Emilion 2014 Score: 94–97
A beauty in the making, with gloriously pure boysenberry, raspberry and plum flavors, ample yet thoroughly integrated grip, and lithe acidity that lets the finish flow with an unencumbered feel. Offers chalky acidity.—J.M. 各種梅果和李子口感充份地融合。輕盈的白堊土質感酸度讓尾韻結束的沒有負擔。
CHÂTEAU VALANDRAUD St.-Emilion 2014 Score: 94–97
Delivers a mouthwatering core of boysenberry and blackberry fruit, with ample anise, fruitcake and plum sauce notes emerging through the flashy finish. Not just flamboyant, as there's a serious graphite spine to keep this honest. A beauty in the making.—J.M. 黑野莓果核及充份的茴香,水果蛋糕和李子貫穿口感。不只是這樣的華麗仍保有煙燻感來保留原味。是個出眾的作品。
VIEUX CHÂTEAU CERTAN Pomerol 2014 Score: 94–97
Reserved in terms of aroma, but shows beautiful mouthfeel and depth, with pure cassis, blueberry and plum fruit that glides along, laced with a lively tobacco leaf note and backed by a sanguine twinge. Ample singed vanilla and alder accents chime in as well, but they stay in the background while the fruit plays out. Tasted non-blind.—J.M. 保留的香氣但黑醋栗、藍梅及李子接著是活潑的菸草味由一股鮮紅氣味支撐著。而充分的香草和檜木暗藏在水果味後。
CHÂTEAU ANGÉLUS St.-Emilion 2014 Score: 93–96
Features base notes of bittersweet ganache and smoldering tobacco, with dark plum, currant and fig fruit flavors. Despite the charcoal thread, this is lush and integrated, showing no aggressive edges at all. The tobacco accent chimes in at the end for added effect.—J.M. 苦甜參半的巧克力和鮮奶油組合而成的柔滑的奶油(ganache)和煙燻菸草口感並帶著烏梅、葡萄乾和無花果的果香。儘管煙燻口感貫穿但並不強烈。菸草口感只在最後增加效果。
Juicy and dense, with lots of blueberry, dark plum and blackberry fruit, studded with anise and backed by a lightly brambly finish. Hedonistic and engaging, this should be fun to watch fill out fully.—J.M. 豐厚緊緻的藍莓、酸莓和黑莓果味混合著茴香並輕柔的結束。引人入勝,這應是會讓人賞心悅目的作品。
CHÂTEAU CANON-LA GAFFELIÈRE St.-Emilion 2014 Score: 93–96
A strong ganache element flows along with the dark currant and blackberry flavors. A charcoal edge underscores the finish, imparting drive and definition. This will be a winner when it stretches out.—J.M. 一股巧克力和鮮奶油組合而成的柔滑的奶油味(ganache)伴隨著黑醋栗及黑莓口感。尾韻帶著煙燻口感。這將會是常勝軍。
CHÂTEAU L'ÉVANGILE Pomerol 2014 Score: 93–96
Tightly coiled for now, offering raspberry, bitter plum and dark currant fruit that should unwind slowly. Features charcoal and smoldering tobacco notes, with a hint of loam underscoring the finish. Always among the more muscular Pomerols, with a substantial percentage of Cabernet Franc, and 2014 is no different. Tasted non-blind.—J.M. 黑色莓果、苦李子和黑醋栗慢慢展現,尾韻是煙燻菸草帶著土壤的口感。Pomerol通常Cabernet Franc的比列佔很大,而2014此款酒也不例外。
CHÂTEAU FIGEAC St.-Emilion 2014 Score: 93–96
Sleek and tight, with layers of well-focused boysenberry, cherry and cassis fruit, backed by a long, iron-edged finish. There's a whiff of tobacco in the background, too. Seriously grounded in terroir, this may take some time to unwind fully.—J.M. 餘韻悠長的鐵味支撐了滑潤而緊實的深色莓果、櫻桃和黑醋票果實。後味帶點菸草味。因呈現了風土,此款酒需要時間來展現。
CHÂTEAU GRAND-PUY-LACOSTE Pauillac 2014 Score: 93–96
Rock-solid, with a gutsy core of plum, black currant, steeped fig and melted licorice snap, all carried by a gorgeous, charcoal-edged spine. Long, and loaded with fruit and grip. As solid as they come.—J.M. 一股強勁的李子、黑醋票融合了無花果和甘草味,帶著華麗的煙燻口感。尾韻悠長並帶著水果味。酒體紮實。
CHÂTEAU HOSANNA Pomerol 2014 Score: 93–96
Dense, with solid grip, this remains very pure, featuring a polished beam of raspberry and plum fruit coursing along, inlaid with mouthwatering anise, incense and dried blood orange notes. Shows serious depth and length already, but could improve even more during the Èlevage. Tasted non-blind.—J.M. 緊實的單寧,黑莓和李子和令人垂涎的茴香香氣及血橙口感。已極具深度和尾韻但若陳年後將會更提升。
CHÂTEAU LATOUR À POMEROL Pomerol 2014 Score: 93–96
A nice wine in the making, with velvety layers of raspberry, plum and boysenberry fruit, lined with subtle charcoal, warm ganache and tar notes. Features ample base notes, but manages to stay suave and elegant through the dark finish, revealing serious buried grip. Tasted non-blind.—J.M. 鵝絨絲般圓潤的深色莓果和李子襯著微妙的煙燻及溫暖的巧克力和鮮奶油組合而成的柔滑奶油味(ganache)。基本但又保有優雅。
CHÂTEAU LYNCH BAGES Pauillac 2014 Score: 93–96
Offers lovely weight and feel, with a big core of plum, blackberry and black currant fruit that manages to show refinement, while ample charcoal and warm stone notes flow underneath. This is displaying terrific depth and purity today.—J.M. 輕盈的李子、黑莓和黑醋栗果實感展現出優雅,底層充份的煙燻溫暖的石頭味。此款酒具有深度和飽滿度。
CHÂTEAU LA MISSION HAUT-BRION Pessac-Léognan 2014 Score: 93–96
This has the engaging rusticity of the estate, with a strong sappy and frame around a core of plum skin, dried star anise, licorice root and dark currant fruit. Solidly grippy through the finish, with a lingering tar edge and a bright pastis note. Rather backward, but rock-solid. Tasted non-blind.—J.M. 具有此產地迷人的質樸及李子皮、乾茴香、甘草和黑醋栗包覆著。紮實且帶有耐人尋味的焦油和鮮明的茴香味的單寧。雖然還不夠成熟但酒體堅固。
CHÂTEAU PALMER Margaux 2014 Score: 93–96
This is reserved in profile now, with crushed red and black currant fruit and lightly singed alder notes. Yet the core is coiled, showing very energetic raspberry and plum coulis flavors, with a lilting violet edge and a long, iron-fueled finish. There's a very refined backdrop of tobacco and singed juniper, and the finish is long and suave. Tasted non-blind.—J.M. 壓碎的紅黑醋栗和微微焦香味。環繞著強勁的覆盆莓和李子果醬伴隨著輕盈的紫羅蘭香味,餘味帶著悠長的鐵味。菸草和焦檜襯底,尾韻深長而平滑。
CHÂTEAU PAVIE MACQUIN St.-Emilion 2014 Score: 93–96
Well-packed, with ample boysenberry, blackberry and raspberry flavors that course along, carried by anise and singed apple wood notes that stay reserved through the finish. Squarely fruit-driven, but exhibits great purity and energy.—J.M. 深色野莓和覆盆莓精心包裝,由茴香和蘋果焦香木味貫穿至最後。果香為主導但保留了葡萄酒的純淨和活力。
CHÂTEAU PEBY FAUGÈRES St.-Emilion 2014 Score: 93–96
The gorgeous mouthfeel is already there, featuring polished structure and velvety blueberry, plum and boysenberry compote notes, inlaid seamlessly with spice, anise and fruitcake accents. The long finish lets the fruit flow. Another beauty from this estate, which has been on fire recently.—J.M. 帶有光滑的酒體和鵝絨般圓的藍莓,李子和深色莓果華麗口感完美的連接藉茴香和水果蛋糕。果香味在尾韻中流動。另一個這目前火紅產地的漂亮作品。
CHÂTEAU SMITH-HAUT-LAFITTE Pessac-Léognan 2014 Score: 93–96
This has nice spine, with a persistent graphite and ganache character that runs through the core of dark plum and black currant fruit. The grip is well-embedded and there's lingering freshness despite the heft and depth. This will likely fill out more with time.—J.M. 煙燻及巧克力和鮮奶油組合而成的柔滑奶油味(ganache)圍繞著深色李子和黑醋栗。單寧味完美的鑲嵌著,雖然有著重度和深度但仍有著揮之不散的新鮮度。此酒款可能需時間來充實。
CHÂTEAU BRANON Pessac-Léognan 2014 Score: 92–95
Very backward, with a loamy wall of grip in front of the core of dark plum, currant and fig fruit. Features a long, bramble- and tar-filled finish. There's a lot going on here, but the parts are still wrestling with one another. Shows great energy overall, however, so this is easily worth one's patience.—J.M. 還不夠成熟,先品嚐到深色李子果實、葡萄乾和無花果味。餘韻是野生黑莓和焦油感。還需要一些時間。但值得等待。
CHÂTEAU CALON-SÉGUR St.-Estèphe 2014 Score: 92–95
This has a core of lightly steeped plum and blackberry, with alluring tobacco and charcoal notes lining the finish. Shows nice underlying acidity, and seems likely to fill out steadily. This estate is back in form since the ownership change.—J.M. 些許的李子和黑莓及誘人的煙草和煙燻襯砌。底層是適當的酸度,並且穩健推進。此莊園自從換了擁有者後已回到應有的水準。
CLOS FOURTET St.-Emilion 2014 Score: 92–95
Bright and pure, with a racy beam of cherry and raspberry fruit, lined with subtle spice and floral hints. The finish is discreet, exhibiting a long, filigreed minerality that plays out nicely-you just have to pay attention or you'll miss it.—J.M.櫻桃和覆盆莓主軸,內襯著微妙的香料和花香味,純淨而明亮。尾韻是容易被忽略的礦物味。
CHÂTEAU L'ÉGLISE CLINET Pomerol 2014 Score: 92–95
Very refined, with alluring raspberry, plum and boysenberry fruit, inlaid with fine-grained structure and backed by a long rooibos tea- and fruitcake-infused finish. Latent grip lurks in the background.—J.M.
L'IF St.-Emilion 2014 Score: 92–95
Very fleshy, but not at all bombastic, this glides gently, with slowly intensifying cherry, bitter plum and blackberry flavors. The finish lets a smoldering tobacco note weave through, balanced by a well-embedded chalky spine. A wine of restrained power. Merlot and Cabernet Franc. Tasted non-blind.—J.M. 果實飽滿但不誇張,慢慢品嘗出櫻桃、苦李子和黑莓味。白堊土質口感平衡了煙燻的菸草味。Merlot和Cabernet Franc混和出了一種受限制的酒體。
CHÂTEAU LARCIS DUCASSE St.-Emilion 2014 Score: 92–95
Features cherry, creamed strawberry and red licorice notes that seem almost too easy at first, but then the back half kicks in, with a chalky spine and extra energy. Pure and long.—J.M. 櫻桃,奶油草莓和紅甘草似乎太過簡單的酒體,其後隨之而來的白堊土質感帶來了些活動。純淨而悠長。
CHÂTEAU LÉOVILLE BARTON St.-Julien 2014 Score: 92–95
Mouthfilling from the start, with lovely plum sauce, steeped fig and blackberry coulis flavors, lined with warm ganache notes and carried by ample but polished tannins. Features a tarry edge at the end, but maintains a rather polished feel overall. A lovely wine, once again.—J.M. 一入口便充滿了李子醬、無花果和黑莓果醬味配上巧克力和鮮奶油組合而成的柔滑奶油味(ganache)緊接著豐富且圓潤的單寧。尾韻有焦油味但仍保留了整體的圓潤。是支美好的酒。
CHÂTEAU LÉOVILLE POYFERRÉ St.-Julien 2014 Score: 92–95
Very stylish, with blackberry, black cherry and black currant fruit already melded together with subtle charcoal and ganache notes. Offers a velvety feel, but isn't shy on grip or depth. This is sneakily long. A lovely showing.—J.M.黑莓,黑櫻桃和黑醋栗融合了微妙的煙燻和巧克力和鮮奶油組合而成的柔滑奶油味(ganache)。口感如鵝絨般柔軟醇和,但仍有著單寧和深度,並悄悄的韻味悠長。
CHÂTEAU MALESCOT-ST.-EXUPÉRY Margaux 2014 Score: 92–95
Bright and juicy, with a core of plum, blackberry and black cherry fruit, backed by hints of anise and fruitcake. The apple wood edge on the finish gives this spine. Very solid.—J.M. 李子果核和黑莓及黑櫻桃口感及茴香和水果蛋糕的尾韻。蘋果木的口感支撐整體。酒體非常紮實。
CHÂTEAU MONBOUSQUET St.-Emilion 2014 Score: 92–95
A saturated version, with plum, cassis and cherry flavors that drape themselves over the dense but velvety structure. The long, apple wood-infused finish shows some surprising heft for the vintage.—J.M.飽滿濃厚的李子、黑醋栗和櫻桃口感但仍十分圓潤。尾韻悠長且帶著蘋果木在這個年份令人驚喜。
CHÂTEAU PAVIE-DECESSE St.-Emilion 2014 Score: 92–95
Ripe, displaying a piercing quality, with the raspberry, plum and boysenberry notes carried by particularly racy acidity and a very fine minerality. A chalky thread adds tension on the finish. This still has some unwinding to do.—J.M.突破性的成熟品質帶著覆盆莓、李子和深色梅果並有著活潑的酸度及礦物味。尾韻的白堊土質口感帶來了張力。此酒款仍需要些時間舒展讓結構更為完整。
Vibrant, with a blaze of iron running from start to finish, while dark currant, cherry and plum fruit forms the core. The long, grippy, integrated finish shows excellent vivacity.—J.M. 充滿活力的黑醋栗、櫻桃和李子為核心。悠長的而一體的單寧口感展玩出活潑感。
Features a solid core of dark plum and blackberry fruit, backed by judicious toast that allows tobacco and loam hints to emerge in end. This picks up steam through the finish, showing ample base notes.—J.M. 煙草味支撐著黑李子果核和黑莓口感,尾韻充滿活力。
CHÂTEAU TROPLONG MONDOT St.-Emilion 2014 Score: 92–95
Solid, with plum, anise and blackberry notes allied to an ample but polished structure. Features prominent toast, but the fruit seems to be soaking it up. A lingering graphite hint adds positive vibes.—J.M. 紮實的李子、茴香和豐富的黑莓為主體。明顯的烤麵包味但細細品嘗後水果味變會浮現。尾韻添增了煙燻味。
禁止酒駕 , 未滿18歲禁止飲酒