Domaine Tortochot
Tortochot 家族一個小葡萄農位於 Gevrey Chambertin,擁有 12公頃的葡萄園,分布於 Gevrey Chambertin、Chambolle- Musigny、Morey-Saint-Denis、 Clos Vougeot 之間,酒莊經過四個世代的傳承,已發展成頗具知名度的酒莊目前由創始人的曾孫女 Chantal Tortochot 接管。Chantal Tortochot 35歲時,想要自己闖出一片天。先是讀取了葡萄酒工藝技術文憑、再拿到勃根第大學Jules Guyot 學院的葡萄酒工藝學學士文憑。
2003年開始嘗試有機種植,直至2008年酒莊已經全面種植有機葡萄,Domaine Tortochot提倡保護大自然生態系統、保護植物的生命和自然耕作我們減少過多的機械處理,葡萄以手工摘採,精心挑選出健康且成熟的葡萄並100%去梗減少單寧澀感。葡萄破皮後放入不銹鋼桶中進行發酵,發酵前,葡萄還會進行4至5天的冷浸漬,發酵期間,酒莊嚴格監控發酵溫度約14-15℃之間、並且每天進行兩次淋皮,不使用人工培養的酵母,發酵完成後置入橡木桶中進行陳釀15~18月才進行裝瓶。
As far as one traces back family Tortochot, one found an ancestor, vine-grower in Gevrey.
In the last century, Paul, the Gabriel's grandfather, was a small vine-grower residing on the Chestnuttree place. His son, Félix, get married with Louise Liébaut from Morey. Liébaut's Family is well-known in Morey, a variety of Pinot Noir is called so, after the ancestor Eugène had selected it. The Félix's son, Gabriel owns around 10 hectares.
Gabriel Tortochot, a fervent defender of Burgundy's wines, notably through his actions as president of the "Syndicat Viticole de Gevrey-Chambertin" and his role on the "Comité National de L'INAO", has transmitted his passion for terroir of Gevrey-Chambertin to his two daugthers, Brigitte and Chantal.
This latter ensures continuity and perenniaty in the management and development of the Domain. A graduate in Oenologie, she belongs to the new generation of wine producers who whish to produce wines with a taste of their "terroir".
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Domaine Tortochot Bourgogne Pinot Noir 2013