


世界最舉足輕重之一~Ch. Mouton酒廠在1980年代Philippine de Rothschild 決定在Ch. Mouton葡萄園 種植數公頃的白葡萄, 種植Sauvignon Blanc 56%,Semillon 43% 和Muscadelle 1%,密度為每公頃9,000株。 50%的葡萄酒在新法國橡木桶中熟成。Aile D’argent  擁有豐富,複雜和優雅的特色,由於生產的數量非常有限,價格更是親民,深獲波爾多白葡萄酒愛好者的擁護。

Renewing an ancestral tradition in the Médoc, in the early 1980s Philippine de Rothschild decided to plant a few acres of the vineyard with white grape varieties.

The sandy, gravelly soil is planted with Sauvignon Blanc (53%), Semillon (35%), Sauvignon Gris (11%) and Muscadelle (1%), with a density of 9,000 vines per hectare. 50% of the wine is matured in new oak barrels. Rich, complex and elegant, Aile d’Argent, despite being produced in very limited quantity, has quickly become a standard-setter for lovers of fine Bordeaux white wines. 

90/92 Robert Parker's Wine Advocate

Composed of two-thirds Sauvignon Blanc and one-third Semillon, this 2013 dry white exhibits lots of white currant and grapefruit aromas, no evidence of oak in the background (although it is barrel-fermented), attractive flesh, good depth and light minerality. Consume it over the next 7-8 years

97  James Suckling

This is vibrant and gorgeous with dried pineapple, honey and cream. Full body, plenty of energetic structure and a long, long finish. Goes on for minutes. Fantastic Aile. Sauvignon blanc with semillon. Structured!


VIP 超值價限量供應

Aile d’argent de Ch. Mouton 2013



Voirin-Jumel  RM  獨立酒農 Grand Cru Champagne

歷史悠久的Voirin-Jumel 獨立酒農(RM香檳)起源於1945年,Voirin-Jumel家族位於香檳區的白丘 (Côte des Blancs) 擁有約12公頃的地塊,其中位於Cramant 、Chouilly、 Oger 等特級村的皆為Grand Cru頂級葡萄園,平均樹齡皆為30年以上,而當地白堊土質層下種植的Chardonnay香氣純凈內斂細緻、優雅、果香濃郁,也由於97%的葡萄園都種植著Chardonnay,因此白丘 (Côte des Blancs)可稱為白中白香檳的聖地,而Voirin-Jumel家族以歷史傳承的釀酒技藝及得天獨厚的葡萄品質,釀製屬於他們獨一無二優雅風格的佳釀~

產地: Cramant 、Chouilly、 Oger

 (Grand Cru 特級園)     

 葡萄比例 : 100% Chardonnay

 含 糖 量 : 6 g/L

 陳年時間 : 窖藏3年

 品飲筆記 : 飽滿的礦物風味和柑橘類水果的香氣為主軸,是款新鮮清爽、優雅及精緻的香檳。餐點搭配 : 適合當餐前的開胃酒並搭配干貝、鮭魚、龍蝦或牛肉等..料理。



Ch. Haut Batailley 2011 法國頂級紅酒

is a winery in the Pauillac appellation of the Bordeaux region of France. The wine produced here was part of the property that was classified as one of eighteen Cinquièmes Crus (Fifth Growths) in the Bordeaux Wine Official Classification of 1855.[1]

The vineyard area extends 22 hectares (54 acres) planted with 65% Cabernet Sauvignon, 25% Merlot, and 10% Cabernet Franc.[2]




 樂活精選- 各壹瓶



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