Chateau Beychevelle 2012 "The Dragon year"
Château Beychevelle於1565年由Foix de Candale伯爵開始興建酒莊,葡萄酒在16世紀已經很有名,莊園中甚至有自己的裝船碼頭。
1587年,因貴族聯姻,莊園成為法王亨利三世治下,當時第一任D'Epernon公爵Jean-Louis Nogaret de la Valette,他擔任法國海軍總司令,還兼任Guyenne地區的長官。他住的官邸就在Château Beychevelle,莊園就在Gironde河邊。當時船上的人們,為了表示對這位地位顯赫貴族的尊重,都會向他行禮示意。不過,河面太寬了,用手敬禮未必能被看見,因此船隻就改以下半帆方式敬禮,同時船員也會大聲高喊“Baisse-Voile”,就是法文的「下半帆」之意。公爵因此把酒莊的標誌改成以一艘下著半帆的龍船為標記,並以「Beychevelle」作為酒莊名字,也把這段傳奇佳話流傳給後人。
The vines
The vines have an average age of 30 years and are closely planted, with densities of 8,300 to 10,000 vines per hectare; they have developed substantial root systems, enabling them to draw nutrients from deep in the soil, and to cope with the sometimes difficult weather conditions, such as when there are droughts in the summer.The vineyard is planted with the Médoc’s four traditional grape varieties: 52% Cabernet Sauvignon, 40% Merlot, 5% Cabernet Franc and 3% Petit Verdot.Our job is to select the right grape variety for each plot, depending on the terroir’s characteristics and constraints. Manual harvests allow us to sort and retain the best grapes, which are then vinified and blended in our wines.
The word Terroir only makes sense if one understands the way in which the Médoc’s climate, or microclimate, interacts with the vineyard. Even then, the picture is not complete unless we add the winemaker’s talent for growing the grapes and looking after each plot of vines.The proximity of the Gironde, which can be seen from the front steps of the Château, has a protective, regulating affect on the climate that is vital for the production of exceptional wines.The heart of the vineyard is located on two plateaus of deep Garonne gravel from the Gunzian period, on the edge of the Gironde, providing ideal conditions for Cabernet Sauvignon.
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