系出同門 Jean Marc Morey (Chassagne Montrachet)
活動日期:2017/06/08 ~ 2017/07/08或售罄為止。
Chassagne Montrachet 村莊裡的釀酒世家 Albert Morey(爺爺) 有兩子 Bernard 與 Jean-Marc 繼承家業,1981年從父親的Domaine Albert Morey獨立出來成立Jean Marc Morey ,其釀製的酒款飽滿圓潤柔順易飲。其子女皆傳承父親釀酒的熱情,女兒 Caroline協助父親釀酒長達15年 (嫁給 Marc-Colin的大兒子 Pierre-Yves,成立Pierre-Yves Colin-Morey )。而兒子Michel和老婆成立Michel Morey-Coffinet。
目前佔地9公頃,分布在Batard Montrachet . Chassagne Montrachet . Santenay . Sant Aubin . Beaune 各處,釀造紅白酒約20餘種,葡萄樹齡平均約30年,採用傳統方式,全程手工摘採、挑選最優良葡萄,在採收前期會將枝葉修剪以萃取更多養份,同時並使用高登式Cordon de Royat的整枝系統來增加日照面積以增加葡萄的豐富度及成熟度,在釀酒時定期攪桶並視狀況做澄清。
紅酒100%去梗,在25% 新桶陳釀18個月再裝瓶。而白酒在20% 新桶陳釀12個月再裝瓶,定期的攪桶,初期約每星期一次,之後每兩星期一次直到乳酸發酵完成。其風格呈現出新鮮的香氣、豐沛的果味、柔順可口,複雜的結構及動人層次令勃根地白酒飲者著迷!
~以下擷取林裕森大師 酒瓶裡的風景 一書~
Jean Marc Morey Batard Montrachet 2014
緊鄰世界最頂級白酒黃金產區Montrachet下方 品質與名聲的至尊地位僅次於Montrachet 風格較為濃厚豐潤肥碩 稍多的重量感及一點熱帶熟果香氣 均衡、豐潤、堅硬酸味與細膩的風格,酒中具有Puligny村常有的杏仁果、礦石、蕨類植物、蜂蜜、熱帶水果以及花香氣息~超越了Chardonnay的極限!!
Jean Marc Morey Chassagne Montrachet 1er Cru Caillerets 2012 ♥ BH91分
極佳的一級園具接近特級園水準潛力 豐富精緻多酸均衡
Note: also from 35 to 40 year old vines
Tasting note: A ripe but airy nose features very fresh aromas of ever-so-mildly exotic dried apricot, peach, mango and jasmine hints. There is exceptional richness to the suave and concentrated medium-bodied flavors that possess both good volume and plenty of minerality on the seductively textured and citrus-inflected finish. This is a big wine by the standards of the appellation yet it remains harmonious and well-balanced plus it should drink a few years earlier than it usually does. Worth considering if you enjoy big but stony Chassagne.
Jean Marc Morey Chassagne Montrachet 1er Cru Les Champs Gains 2012 BH90分
位於下坡 酒體較為厚實
Note: from 35 to 40 year old vines
Tasting note: The reduction is strong enough to completely dominate the nose at present so I would strongly advise decanting this if you're going to try a bottle upon release. The palate impression of the delicious and complex flavors is supple and rounded but with good vibrancy as the supporting acidity is just firm enough to maintain the proper balance on the lingering finish. This is sufficiently forward that it will be approachable right away if desired.
Jean Marc Morey Chassagne Montrachet 1er Cru Les Chaumees 2008 BH90分
位最高坡 強勁確細緻的酸度 白色花香味 礦物活力
Note: from 40+ year old vines
Tasting note: A layered nose mixes exotic fruit and white flower aromas that are clearly quite ripe introduce equally ripe, textured and concentrated flavors that possess good power and palate impact without the slightest trace of heaviness as there is a subtle minerality that helps add a touch of lift. This is a generous effort that is harmonious and nicely balanced.
Jean Marc Morey Saint Aubin Les Charmois 2008 ♥ BH89分
此區有4片一級園 統稱為Les Combes 酸味強勁卻精緻
Tasting note: A slightly riper nose that leans toward the exotic with yellow orchard fruit and mango aromas introducing fruit-driven flavors that possess a pretty mineral streak on the delicious and energetic finish. This forward effort is both generous and complex enough to be more than just interesting.