Champagne Henriot 1996
Henriot 的香檳呈現出細緻優雅的風味。直到現今Henriot家族的繼承人仍延續這個傳統,把獨有的釀酒美學發揮的淋漓盡致,釀製出深獲歐洲等皇室喜愛的香檳。顏色呈現金黃色澤,氣泡綿密細緻,富有濃郁的花香,清新純淨的特色有著絲質平衡的口感,擄獲無數香檳擁護者。
Winemaker's Notes:
Brightly colored with green tints . Fine, persistent bubbles. Rich and fresh on the nose. White fruit and flowers evolving towards mineral , spicy notes. Remarkably balanced on the palate. The attack is fresh and remarkably well balanced with a silky texture. Very pure and fine. This wine will be excellent as an aperitif and could also accompany refined fish dishes.
★樂活VIP 預購特惠價限量供應74瓶
1996 Henriot Millesime Brut, Champagne
Wine Spectator 94分
飲 酒 過 量 有 礙 健 康