美 國 稀 世 珍 釀 鹿 躍 傳 奇
1976年巴黎品酒會是加州葡萄酒一戰成名天下知的一個主要關鍵, 在當年英國的酒商 Steven Spurrier 為了推廣加州葡萄酒給法國人, 特別在巴黎舉辦了一場品酒會, 找了八支法國頂級的葡萄酒(包含Mouton-Rothschild、Château Haut-Brion、Montrose、Leoville-Las-Cases)跟十二支加州酒(六紅六白)來矇瓶競賽, 並邀請了法國法定產區管理局(INAO)的主管,布根地最著名的酒莊 DRC 的莊主,兩位葡萄酒評論家和三位「米其林」三星餐廳的老闆和侍酒師,波爾多列級酒莊協會主席…等知名人士,結果讓評審們大為震撼,紅酒跟白酒的第一名都由加州葡萄酒獲得! 當年的榜首正是1973 Stag's Leap Wine Cellars 默默無名Warren Winiarski莊主.
Stag's Leap Wine Cellars自1974年開始釀製CASK 23挑選自S.L.V園區 (以火山土質為主,酒體結構完整、辛香調性);FAY園區(整體酒質柔美具莓果香氣),兩塊葡萄園最好的葡萄酒液混合而成,只有在最佳年份才會推出,綜合了兩個葡萄園的柔和與強勁,特別地均衡優雅,也有最細緻的變化。當年美國總統雷根在白宮宴請戈巴契夫時,Cask 23成為國宴級紅酒,時至今日酒的品質再再證明Stag's Leap Wine Cellars 實力不凡。
In a vintage such as 2010 where individual terroirs are so clearly marked, the Cabernet Sauvignon Estate Cask 23 – a blend of the SLV and Fay – is at a distinct disadvantage because it naturally lacks the character and personality of those two wines. I must also note that the SLV and Fay have improved dramatically on their own terms, so the rationale of blending them is further diminished. To be sure the Cask 23 is an excellent representation of the vintage. There is plenty of 2010 fruit, structure and tannin, along with attractive hints of smoke, tar and incense, but at the end of the day, I find the Cask 23 less satisfying than Stags’ Leap Wine Cellars’very best wines.
Anticipated maturity: 2016-2030.
These 2010 Cabernet Sauvignons from Stags’ Leap Wine Cellars are just as exciting from bottle as they were from barrel last year. The improvement in quality that has taken place here over the last few years is simply remarkable. I also tasted several samples of the 2011s, but as was the case at many addresses, the wines were too raw and unfinished to properly evaluate. Unfortunately, there will be no 2011 Cask 23.
稀世珍釀收藏 超值價限量供應 24 套
Cask 23 2010 1Btl + Artemis 2Btl
Stag's Leap Wine Cellars Cask 23 2010
R.P 93
Stag's Leap Wine Cellars Artemis Cabernet Sauvignon 2010
R.P 91
飲 酒 過 量 有 礙 健 康