Bollinger La Grand Année 2005
La Grande Année 只在好年份才生產,使用頂級的首段葡萄汁來釀製。以傳統的釀酒方式加上特有的風土條件,美麗、圓潤的酒體,有複雜的口感,香味豐富多層次。難得是葡萄全部來自頂級園和特級園,品質有目共賭。
La Grande Année 2005 is a must-have for gourmet restaurants and good hotels alike: it is the perfect champagne to serve with a fine meal. To fully appreciate its unique style, bouquet and aromas, La Grande Année 2005 is best served between 8 and 10°C. You can enjoy La Grande Année 2005 right away, or choose to age it in your cellar.
★樂活VIP 超特價限量發售 ~
Bollinger La Grand Année 2005 (裸瓶裝)
Bollinger La Grand Année 2004 (禮盒裝) 數量稀少