Henriot 家族1808 年正式在香檳區成立Henriot 香檳廠,從開始選擇葡萄品種到最後裝瓶,酒莊全程都參與,把獨有的釀酒美學發揮的淋漓盡致,釀製出深獲歐洲等皇室喜愛的香檳。
2008年在香檳區而言是媲美1996,2002品質極好且豐富的一年,樂活此次推薦2008 Vintage Rose嚴選好年份才出品的粉紅香檳,主要葡萄品種是Pinot Noir 52% Chardonnay 48% , Henriot 的年份Rose一直是香檳愛好的收藏名單,數量不多,喜愛香檳的朋友們千萬別錯過。
Henriot, Brut Millesime 2008 Rose has excellent maturity, good structure and a high concentration of red fruit tones. The year 2008 started mild winter that followed the cold and dry autumn. Protracted rainy period until June delayed flowering and fruit set. Good weather was established on the eve of the harvest, to accelerate the ripening of berries with retention of high acidity. Chardonnay exhibits in this vintage exceptional freshness, and Pinot Noir - a rare elegance. Assemblage of these varieties are vinified as for red wines. Excerpt goes quiet and dark cellars wine house Henriot. Grape varieties: Pinot Noir: 52% Chardonnay: 48%
Henriot’s 2008 Rose has all the hallmarks of an exceptional quality wine. On the nose there is beautiful intensity, complexity and elegance. On the palate the balance is extraordinary, there’s subtle yet powerful concentration of flavor, and the length lingers on and on. Superb! We hope you enjoy it.
HenriotVintage Rose2008
裸瓶 6瓶 / 1箱
禮盒 6瓶 / 1箱