

世代相傳 RM 小農香檳

Nomine Renard酒廠在1960年開始建立,家族五代至今都是種植葡萄及生產葡萄酒

Nomine Renard目前是Club Tresors de Champagne” 榮譽會員之一要想進入這個ClubTresors有非常嚴謹的門檻,目前俱樂部Club Trésors僅有有28香檳生產商。 組織根據一套質量標準,選擇其成員,他們一起共同推出”Special Club”每個會員酒莊可以自行決定是否生產”Special Club”,想要生產”Special Club”必須來自香檳區最好的地區,最好的年份,從自己的葡萄園手工採摘的葡萄 ,在自己的酒窖釀酒。每個會員致力於長期工作和熱情,保護其質量和維護葡萄園擁有自己的風土的獨特個性為原則。送來的每個香檳得經歷兩次盲品(一次盲品在二次發酵裝瓶前,一次在瓶成發酵養成 3年後) 。成功通過會員間的專業盲品測試的香檳才可以裝入特別共同訂制的會員酒瓶與酒標,成為最高等級Special Club香檳。

 Germaine Renard and her husband, André Nominé built their own winery in 1960 and christened it ‘Champagne Nominé-Renard’. Germaine and André had four children. Claude , the elder, joined the family business after studying oenology. He has worked at Nominé-Renard, with his wife Catherine, since 1973 and has been chief viticulturist and winemaker for 35 years. Claude, with his son Simon, minutely look after the vine until the grape has reached its best. At the time of wine harvesting the fruit is selected and cautiously picked as soon as it is at its best so that our Champagne reflects our passion.

Growing the vine, we have always respected the environment. Integrated control is the way we cultivate. And therefore, naturally, we are involved in sustainable agriculture, which requires special attention to our natural environment in order to preserve its biodiversity and the quality of our soils.

Wine-making is carried out separately for each grape-variety and each plot of vineyard. Throughout the wine tasting, a harmony of aromas is kept in mind and can be reproduced. The magic of blending works and so, year after year, each of our Cuvée maintains the same taste, the same character.



樂活VIP 超限量推薦

Nomine Renard Brut Special club 2011




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    樂活酒窖 La Vie Wine

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