世代相傳 RM 小農香檳
NOMINE RENARD家族18世紀至今代代相傳Simon已經是Nomine家族這個酒莊的第六代接班人, Nomine Renard目前是”Club Tresors de Champagne” 榮譽會員之一,酒莊雍有20公頃的葡萄園,位於香檳區Vallée de la Marne地區一個小村莊,主要葡萄來自於Villevenard, Allemant, Broyes, Etoges, Charly, Passy-Grigny….等村莊,平均數齡35年, 葡萄種植約50%Chardonny,20%Pinot Noir,30% Pinot Meunier。採收依品種及葡萄園分別釀製。酒廠特別注意自然環境的保護,以保持其生物多樣性及永續發展。
從葡萄種植、釀製、裝瓶到銷售全部由家族自己親力親為,葡萄全部手工摘採,壓榨後葡萄汁液在不銹鋼槽低溫發酵15天,第一階段的發酵完成之後,裝入瓶中進行第二次發酵手工轉瓶,經過18~30個月左右的瓶中二次發酵,產生良好的酸度及細緻的泡沫,出廠前6個月再進行除渣。一般酒款基酒混入3個不同年份,NOMINE RENARD獨樹一幟將基酒平均混入18個不同年份,老年份佔30%其餘新酒70%。
Decanter World Wine Awards 2012, Nominé-Renard got the Bronze Medal
釀酒師Simon Nomine • If I was not a winemaker ... I'd be a chef. My favorite work ... "
Nomine Renard Brut NV
Nomine Renard Brut 375ml
Wine Enthusiast 90 points
The Nominated Brut is a beautiful representation of our vineyard. It is composed of 3 varieties
Grapes: Chardonnay (40%), Pinot Noir (30%) and Pinot Meunier (30%)
Dosage: 10g/l
Nomine Renard Brut Rose NV
Wine Spectator 90 points
Sensual and elegant with a light pink, Brut Rosé is dominated by an intense fruity nose of cherries and freshness of citrus. In the mouth it continues to charm you with its freshness and fruitiness. It is ideal with the slightly spicy dishes and seafood.
Grapes: Chardonnay (45%), Pinot Meunier (45%) and Pinot Noir (10%).
Dosage: 12g/l
Nomine Renard Brut Blanc de Blanc NV
Wine Spectator 91 points.
Scope and finesse perfectly characterize this wine. The sweet notes of brioche and honey accompanied by notes of wild flowers and anise.food wine, ideally served on Walnut St. Jacques or fish sauce.
Grapes: 100% Chardonnay
Dosage: 9.2g/l
Nomine Renard Brut Special club 2011
The Special Club is only produced in exceptional years. It reflects the expression of a vintage and a Terroir.
Opulent and generous, he keeps a beautiful minerality and finesse. The nose is pure indulgence: roasted hazelnuts, puff pastries with almonds.
Serve with foie gras, chicken with morels ...
Grapes: 80% Chardonnay , 20%Pinot Noir
Dosage: 8.4g/l