
2014 Louis Latour Corton Charlemagne   乙瓶

NV Louis Latour Marc de Corton Grancey  乙瓶

二瓶1 超級特價

NV Louis Latour Marc de Corton Grancey 700ml           

Marc de Bourgogne此款白蘭地,來自布根地Corton Grancey乃是Louis Latour最出名的歷史級特級葡萄園之一,除了生產高品質Pinot Noir紅酒外,也生產高品質白蘭地-Marc de Bourgogne。使用是眾所皆知嬌貴無比的Pinot Nior葡萄透過蒸餾留有酒液精華的Marc de Pinot Noir,製出香氣雋永、口感獨特,特殊香氣 非常迷人置於橡木桶內窖藏陳釀至少7年,是款堪以比擬XO的珍稀佳釀。香氣以奶油、焦糖及香草為主,另帶有豆類、蕈類濃郁飽滿的氣味。口感強勁,卻不失細膩,在口腔內緩緩發散核桃、香蕉,餘韻以甘草、苦艾的甘香作結。       



Louis Latour Corton Charlemagne 2014

Louis Latour 家族擁有50公頃,已是勃艮第地區中最大的地主之一。LatourCorton-Charlemagne葡萄園佔地11公頃位於Corton向東南面的坡地上,這裡的葡萄可以享受到充足的日照。Louis Latour總是試著在採收期的末端才將葡萄的果實採下,為了確保葡萄最佳的成熟度。



The nose is still quite closed but the palate is generous with full body and creamy mid palate. There is clearly density and power here, that will be expressed with at least another 4-5 more years in bottle. This is a beautiful Corton Charlemagne that has nice depth and subtle power  Score 95 Jeannie Cho Lee (Master Wine)

A broad, charming white, featuring lemon, baked apple, vanilla, clove and nutmeg flavors, with fine concentration and length. Shows a bright structure and chalky intensity on the slightly tannic finish. Best from 2019 through 2032. 3,100 cases made.Score 95 WS

Moderate reduction presently renders the nose difficult to evaluate but there is lovely intensity to the strongly mineral-inflected and muscular big-bodied flavors that display fine cut and plenty of punch on the pure and relatively refined finish that delivers flat out superb length. This is potentially excellent though note well that it's going to require plenty of  bottle age to realize its full potential. Score 92~95 BH Don't miss!



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