Chateau Ducru Beaucaillou 法國杜庫布卡優堡 (二級酒莊)
活動日期: 2017/11/14 ~2017/12/14 或售完為止
Cheteau Ducru Beaucaillou起源於18世紀,1720年以其風土特色命了名,名字的的意思是”美麗的大水晶石”,因特殊的風土條件:園中多大礫石,它可保溫也利於排水;酒莊採傳統釀酒方法,對葡萄品質要求極為嚴格,所以釀出來的葡萄酒特別的細緻和優雅。
Cheteau Ducru Beaucaillou波爾多超級二級酒莊,Jean-Eugène Borie是酒莊的老闆,1953年接手經營酒莊同時聘請被譽為全法國最偉大釀酒師之一的 Emile Peynaud 長期擔任釀酒顧問,旗下還有châteaus Grand-Puy-Lacoste and Haut-Batailley 二家五級酒莊。被全球最權威酒評家 Robert Parker 評為五大酒莊水準,媲美 Chateau Latour 拉圖堡、Chateau Mouton 木桐堡等。但價位只要五大酒莊的一半不到。
1976 Ducru Beaucaillou
This is a lovely Ducru that retains much of the silky, elegant personality of a top-class St.-Julien... Now fully mature, this medium-weight, firm, yet rich, savory, and well-constituted 1976 has plenty of character and elegance
1976年的Ducru 中等酒體,溫潤的口感。豐富的香味包含:紅色漿果、紅茶和松露類的菌菇味道。
1982 Ducru Beaucaillou (Ex Chateau) RP 96分
The 1982 is still 5-8 years away from full maturity, but it exhibits a dense ruby/plum/garnet color to the rim as well as a sweet perfume of forest floor, spice box, cedar, and copious quantities of black fruits. Medium to full-bodied and beautifully pure with sweet tannins, this wine has aged more slowly than I initially expected. It is the finest Ducru Beaucaillou produced after the 1961 and before the 2003.
1982年的Ducru 濃郁至中等的中間酒體,酒色介於紅寶石紅和石榴紅之間,香味有著森林草地和雪松、香料和多種黑色水果的甜甜香水味,整體印象漂亮和乾淨和甜美的單寧。這批1982是樂活直接從酒廠直接進來台灣的,所以數量不甚多。
Ducru Beaucaillou 1961 /1970/2000 3瓶/原廠木箱
1961 RP 96分
The 1961 Ducru Beaucaillou has long been an impressive Saint Julien and here served blind from a bottle purchased directly from the château, I have no cause to change that view. This was broodier and more introspective on the nose compared to several others that I have tasted in recent years.
1961年的 Ducru 酒體中等,細緻的口感,它的結構和尾韻讓人印象非常深刻。豐富的味道:黑色莓果,黑色柚木和黑松露還會夾帶一些菸草的香味,尾韻細緻悠長。
1970 RP 92分
1970 Ducru Beaucaillou: This wine has been fully mature and delicious for many years, so I was not surprised by how stunning this bottle was. It has always been an outstanding wine for the vintage - complex, rich, savory, and the quintessentially elegant Bordeaux.
1970年是一款經典、美味和豐富的一個年份,雖然他已經漂亮了好幾年了,但是他依然持續著美麗。他的芬芳有著複雜的雪松,香草,水果蛋糕和咖啡的香味,溫柔,優雅的葡萄酒。 不知道要保留多久,但是它的美味,你應該品嚐這種葡萄酒的味道是多麼美好!
2000 RP 95分
2000 Ducru Beaucaillou: A stunning wine from Ducru Beaucaillou which showcases its great terroir, this elegant but substantial 2000 has a dense purple color that has hardly budged since it was first bottled.
La Croix de Beaucaillou Panache 1996/1998/2000 3瓶/箱
Ch Ducru Beaucaillou的二軍酒套酒。
2014 La Croix de Ducru Beaucaillou Cuvee Colbert
La Croix de Ducru Beaucaillou Cuvee Colbert,來自獨立而獨特的葡萄園,位於城堡的西部。2009年由Jade Jagger為它設計了酒標,所以我們現在看到的就是新酒標。酒評家給他很高的評價,2014年更獲得葡萄酒觀察家評分為90分。此年份僅生產6000瓶。
2014 Le Petit Caillou (From Ducru Beaucaillou)
Le Petit Caillou 是屬於Jean-Eugène Borie所擁有,是用Ducru Beaucaillou 葡萄園中的葡萄釀製的,內容有Cab. Sauvignon 50% Merlot 40% 和 Cab. Franc 10% ,三分之一的新木桶中陳年,酒質有著優雅的黑色水果,煙草和雪松與單寧的香甜氣味。此款酒是酒莊非常推薦給餐廳,適合搭配食物飲用的酒款。