Château Doisy Daëne
最早有文獻記載提到的Château Doisy Daëne是在1832年,當時擁有者是Jean Jacques Emmanuel Daëne,他是葡萄園地主亦是波爾多酒商。Daëne的名字部分起源於他。
事實上到了1855年Bordeaux分級制度才有Doisy Daëne的名字出現。Château Doisy Daëne幾經展轉易手,到了1924年終於產權歸Dubourdieu family所有。
1924~1948 第一代是由Georges Dubourdieu負責,1949~1999第二代是由其兒子Pierre Dubourdieu負責,在1950年代Château Doisy Daëne是第一個在Sauternes產區釀不甜白酒的酒廠,轟動一時,也讓大家彷效至今。1990年Denis嚐試推出L'Extravagant de Doisy-Daëne比平常蘇玳甜度較高,酒體濃郁的貴腐葡萄酒,一推出即獲佳評。2000年後由第三代Pierre兒子Denis Dubourdieu接手負責。超過80年傳承三代,靠的是對釀好白酒的熱情及毅力努力至今。
Château Doisy Daëne目前有18.2公頃(45英畝)的葡萄園,種植了86%的Sémillon14%Sauvignon blanc。直到2008年也產少量Muscadelle。
Château Doisy Daëne生產三款酒如下:
1.Château Doisy Daëne, 典型的蘇岱甜酒Sauternes wine, in composition close to the average of the estate's vineyards;Sauternes A.O.C
2.Grand Vin Sec du Château Doisy-Daëne, 不甜的波爾多白 Bordeaux Blanc from 100% Sauvignon blanc and aged 8 months in oak barrels of which 20% new oak; Bordeaux Blanc A.O.C.
3.L'Extravagant de Doisy-Daëne,更濃郁香甜的蘇岱貴腐甜酒 an extra sweet Sauternes produced in some vintages. 45% to 80% Sémillon and 20% to 55% Sauvignon blanc depending on the vintage. Barsac A.O.C.
Château Doisy Daëne 2010 Bordeaux white
VIP 超值價限量供應搶購中 120瓶
Still evolving, with lime, verbena and honeysuckle notes and a flash of melon rind on the finish. More backward than most, but shows clear potential. Score range: WS 89-92
Less than 100 casks of the Chateau Doisy-Daene Sec were made this year, cropped in the first week of September, 100% Sauvignon sourced in equal measure from Cantegril and from Doisy-Daene. It has an extraordinarily fresh,jack-in-the-box nose with superb definition and minerality. Subtle hints of lime, a touch of pear and wet limestone. The palate is extremely taut with racy acidity, fresh green apple, quite sharp, it really electrifies the mouth with white peach towards the delineated finish. Excellent.-R.P 94
飲 酒 過 量 有 礙 健 康