Champagne Henriot
“Cuvee des Enchanteleurs”
Henriot 家族1808 年正式在香檳區成立Henriot 香檳廠,從選擇葡萄品種到裝瓶, Henriot 家族都親自參與。
Cuvee des Enchanteleurs ,嚴選上好年份才出品葡萄來自特級葡萄園,主要葡萄品種是50%Chardonnay ,50% Pinot Noir使 Henriot 的頂級窖藏香檳呈現出細緻優雅的風味。直到現今Henriot家族的繼承人依舊延續這個傳統,把獨有的釀酒美學發揮的淋漓盡致,釀製出深獲歐洲等皇室喜愛的香檳。閃閃發亮的金黃色澤中,點綴著輕綠色的光影,氣泡綿密細緻,富有濃郁的花香,是支絕佳的香檳,口感活潑且細緻,讓人愛不釋手。在每一瓶香檳身上付出同等的熱情與對品質不變的承諾。
The 1996 Brut Cuvee des Enchanteleurs is one of the softer, more forward 1996s readers are likely to come across. Smoke,cantaloupe, pear, flowers, mint, sweet baking spices and apricots are some of the notes that emerge from this layered, sublime Champagne. The finish is long and polished. The 1996 Enchanteleurs is drinking beautifully today, but also appears to have the stuffing to age gracefully for at least another decade.Disgorged: June, 2008. Anticipated maturity: 2009-2019.
This is an impressive set of new releases from Henriot, an historic estate that seems to be experiencing a resurgence in quality. All of this house’s Champagnes see full malolactic fermentation, yet retain an element of cut and verve that gives the best wines impeccable balance.- Antonio Galloni
“Cuvee des Enchanteleurs”
1996 1.5L Magnum
頂級窖藏香檳 原廠釋出
VIP 特惠價超限量供應 60瓶
飲 酒 過 量 有 礙 健 康