輝 煌 年 代 2010
2010的Opus One似乎已經進入了另一個嶄新的輝煌時期“Antonio Galloni 說。
在今年6月Antonio Galloni已嚐遍自1979成立以來的每個酒款。雖然opus one 評價始終不一, 品質與水準時常未盡人意,但試過2010年後,完美的水果和礦物的複雜性,加上優雅和精緻的頂級波爾多風格,此外,2010多一點的結構平衡,可以看到它成熟架構宏偉“質量終於達到了一定水平的一致性, opus one作品的形象和價格終於對得起她的愛好者。” Antonio Galloni的評分為97分,這在opus one歷史上是得分最高的一年,令人由衷讚賞。
2010 Vintage Tasting Notes
The 2010 vintage will long be remembered as a uniquely demanding year with unseasonably cold days, untimely rain fall, and surprisingly hot days.Having left a sufficient number of leaves on the vines, our grapes avoided sunburn from late season heat assuring the success of the vintage. Harvest began on September 23 and concluded on October 23. Aromas of blackberry, rose petals, chocolate and espresso accentuate fruity and earthy nuances. Round velvety tannins enrobe a silky texture with a touch of minerality. The flavors of dark fruit are enhanced by the well integrated acidity. The acidity and tannin structure promise a very long life ahead.
Cabernet Sauvignon 84%, Merlot 5.5%, Cabernet Franc 5.5%, Petit Verdot 4%, and Malbec 1%
Skin Contact
19 Days
Opus one 2010 預購特惠
歷史高分 97分
VIP 特惠價限量供應240瓶
飲 酒 過 量 有 礙 健 康