Château Duhart-Milon - 杜哈米雍酒堡
Château Duhart-Milon於1855年分類為頂級第四級(Fourth Growth),產區在Pauillac,地塊總占地152公頃,其中包括71公頃葡萄園,土壤是典型的優質砂礫土,
混雜著些許風蝕沙土,位於第三級石灰石岩床之上,年產量約有20, 000箱~25,000箱。
葡萄品種:70%~80% Cabernet Sauvignon、20%~30 Merlot,平均樹齡為28年。
Château Duhart-Milon的土地在18世紀初就已是品質優異著稱 , 1937 年由於複雜的繼承結果導致了產權更換主人,在這 25 年中,經歷了五個不同的擁有者,不斷的換手經營導致品質無法穩定,1956 年嚴重的凍霜後葡萄酒的品質大幅度下降,無疑是雪上加霜,直到 1962 年由羅斯柴爾德家族買下 。 之後Château Lafite-Rothschild對葡萄園進行了全面的清理,改建酒窖,買入新發酵設備並重新安裝排水系統,陸續購買新地塊和積極實施重栽計畫,葡萄園的面積有了顯著的提高。如今在Château Lafite-Rothschild嚴格管理與光環的加持下,名氣大開,銷售量大增,獲得眾多好評。
VIP 超值價限量供應
Château Duhart-Milon2011 750ml
Château Duhart-Milon2011 375ml
2011Tasting note:
Intense colour with hints of purple.Initially characterized by woodiness, the nose then presents a beautiful expression of red fruit, tobacco and spicy notes. Elegant and fresh on the palate. Fine structure, density and length with a complex fruity finish.
Château Duhart-Milon2012 750ml
Château Duhart-Milon2012 375ml
2011Tasting note: There is some woodiness, but it is very refined and does not dominate. The fruit is subtle and develops after the wine has had some time to breathe.The powerful attack makes way for a rounded, full-bodied mid-palate before finishing on fresh, slightly spicy notes that are still a little intense.This wine will benefit greatly from 6/8 years in the cellar.