Catena Zapata – Argentino 阿根廷王者風範
相信大家對Catena並不陌生,它最能代表酒廠高品質的展現,Malbec 就如同在阿根廷找到自己歸屬般的王者氣息,大器不失優雅.在阿根廷特殊的氣候及地形中,它得到了最佳的成長環境。渾厚的單寧,如紫丁花般的顏色以及濃郁的氣味,讓其他品種的酒都易相形失色。若要說最具阿根廷紅酒特色為何?開一瓶Catena Malbec您就會驚豔不已。
Catena Malbec Argentino是從Catena Zapata最好的葡萄園Adrianna和Nicasia精選而來。這些葡萄被細心照料且產量稀少。採收葡萄後在新的法國橡木桶中先進行發酵後, 再陳年24個月,產量非常稀少,難得釋放到市場上,希望大家別錯過這個機會珍藏及品飲。
This wine represents more than a single vintage. It reflects a family’s century-long journey to produce an Argentine Malbec that can stand with the great wines of the world.
Malbec Argentino is a blend of Catena Zapata’s historic Malbec vineyards, Adrianna and Nicasia. The wine is made from a meticulous vine selection within the best, historic rows of these family estate vineyards.
Catena Zapata - Argentino 2008
RP .97